
Posts Tagged ‘Tartu Kevadpäevad’

Volbriöö is the “night of the witches” in Estonia. It happens on the night from 30 of April to 01 of May. The kids wear pieces of fabric, resembling witches, walk over brushes and so on, but there’s no bon fire, it seems.

Tartu kevadpäevad 2009

Tartu kevadpäevad 2009

This year, in Tartu, the Volbriöö happens during the Student Days (which goes from 27.04 to 03.05) and it seems like everything relating to this date will happen in nightclubs.

I thought I would see students marching on the streets with boxes of beer, singing songs today… It didn’t happen (I guess it was too early – not really to drink, but to march). I saw fun student games envolving physical exercise, balance, alcohol, lots of alcohol and vomit, lots of vomit.

Man, I’m getting old. That’s not really what I’m interested in. But it was good to see what happens around, to know what is part of the Estonian tradition, bla-bla-bla…

And oh, it was cold. Yesterday was a delicious day, but today… it was cold, windy, not so fun. I hope tomorrow it will be better.

Now, one interesting thing: 1st of May is the INTERNATIONAL WORKERS DAY in most parts of the world! But not in Estonia. Here, 1st of May is the HANGOVER DAY (Kaatripäev)! Well, after the wild night of the witches, Estonians need to rest, who cares about the workers? They will be working at least until 6pm, some serving coffe  and tee to the still-drunk ones.

By the way, I met a black man at Cinamon yesterday, but the effects of this encounter will dealt with in another post.

If you wanna know more about the Tartu Tudengipäevad, visit their website (be aware that they don’t seem to be interested in your visit – despite the adress, there’s NO English version of it): Student Days

Ha det bra!!!

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